I don't think smoking is cool, i don't think it looks cool! But still i smoke along with millions of other people.

Why smoke when you know its bad for you and can be the cause of your death, it doesn't make any sense. Why waste all that money on fags, killing yourself, you may as well hire a hit man to get the job over and done with!!!
What are us smokers going to do when the smoking ban completely takes over? Are we going to stop smoking? Err... doubt it! So what are we going to do, will smoking be seen as bad then because its not so public, will people be punished if they dont abide by the ban?
Maybe we might cut down on the fags, seeming as we cant smoke them anywhere! Maybe the ban isnt such a bad thing, afterall its for our own good!!!
If your thinking about giving up smoking click on the website below for some advice: